Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring is in the Air

So, the weather is finally improving steadily. I love when the seasons change. I love to see the flowers bloom and the grass grow, and all of the great things that come with Spring. It is nice to look out the window and see new life springing up everywhere. After all of the sad things that have happened in the last couple of weeks it is nice to see things coming to life.

To top off the wonderful feeling that comes with Spring and things coming to life, I am packing for a trip to Idaho Falls this weekend for a Wedding. Now to be honest, Weddings have not been my favorite thing since well...... I got divorced. HOWEVER, they are also a great time to look around and see fresh starts and new beginnings. There are so many great things happening all around me. I am so blessed and happy to be able to see the great and happy changes happening.

I also had the chance last night to go visit my friend that is Pregnant and well, really sick. I have not seen her in about a month I think. Since she found out she was expecting just after New Years, she has been really sick. Although having a baby is a great blessing it seems that she has had more challenges in these last few months than blessings at this point. As the pregnancy is taking a turn and she is finally starting to feel better, I cannot help but to be so excited for her. To see her grow and have the baby and finally become a Mom. I know that she will be a great parent and I know that all of the things in life that have brought her to this point have served the purpose they were ment to serve and she is an amazing person for it. I am so proud of her. And I am so glad that I can call myself her friend. You know who you are, I love you sweetie. I am here for you if you need anything, keep your chin up and remember that it will all be worth it in the moments when you get to hold that baby for the first time. You are an amazing person, so strong.

So with the new beginnings of Spring, Marriage and Birth upon my life, I can't help but to look forward and wonder..... What changes are coming in my life and will I be ready for them when they happen?


Mamma Meg said...

Awe...thanks Abbie. I didn't know you: 1. Knew that I was pregnant 2. Knew that I was sick 3. Were so excited that I was...finally going to be a mum..what?? Oh, is this post not about me? Wait...I'm not pregnant...............sheesh.

See ya soon!

Shayla said...

Well, even though you NEVER comment on my blog, I still want to say YaY for your optimism & hope for a new season... I hope that great new changes are coming your way!
Give us a call if you'd like get together while you're down here! xoxo

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