Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Gone

I had the chance this weekend to visit my parents house and have a family dinner since I had to work on Thanksgiving Day. It was nice to be home and see my family all in one place, except Jennifer, I missed you sweetie.

We gathered in Mom and Dads kitchen for a family dinner on Sunday evening after we had all gone to our church meetings and done all of the other things that keep our restful Sundays so busy. Mom made a ham and I made Parker House Rolls, we all love those things don't we. And we ate and ate and ate, we played with the kids and watched Christmas movies. It was nice to just have the time and not feel like someone had somewhere to go or something else to be doing.

Hollie and I helped Mom decorate the house for christmas on Saturday, that is always a bit of a job but it is done and it looks great. I am looking forward to actually being home for Christmas this year, I have had to work the last few years and haven't been able to be with family. So as I head back to Boise and back to work until the next holiday comes, I have to say how truely thankful I am for my family this holiday season. I love them all and look forward to the next time we can all really be in the same place for a holiday, hopefully that day is not to far off with most of my family on the move who knows what next year will bring.

1 comment:

Mamma Meg said...

I had a good time too..until my kids lost their dang minds. Now we just need you to move over here.

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