Monday, December 29, 2008

Better Moods

Ok, so I had some pretty harsh feelings about what happened at work last weekend. And now we have had rain two days in a row here. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut, I love the snow and the winter time.

I do however feel much better about life. Work is getting better although still challenging, it always is this time of year. I am feeling better thanks to the medicine that I started on while I was in Idaho Falls. I am sleeping much better than I have been for awhile and I worked enough hours last pay period that I might even have some extra money after I pay bills on Friday. So here is to the New Year, hoping it is better than the last, and starting it off right, with a little money in the bank. I will ring in the 2009 with a few close friends and wishing I was with some family.


Mamma Meg said...

Glad you are doing better!

JenChiz said...

Miss you! Let me know when you have a chance to register your Polar Bear. All I need to connect you to the boys is your username. Love you!!!

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