Monday, November 10, 2008

The Holidays

So as the holidays are upon us and I try to prepare mentally for the many challenges that are on the way with work I can only hope that it will be a good winter. I hope that the snow falls, that my family can enjoy some time together and that we can all be so thankful for all of the things that have been good this year.

Before Thanksgiving arrives I have some things that I would like to mention that I am thankful for.

1. My fantastic family, my brothers for being good brothers and my sisters for being good sisters. My sister-in-laws for taking such good care of my brothers and my brother-in-law for being such a good husband to my sister.

2. My nephews all 8 of them and my Niece and the one on the way. I am so thankful to have the chance to be part of the lives of all of these wonderful little people that will grow up and become who we help them to be.

3. My little sister and the example that she is and the friendship that we have since we are still single and sometimes we have to stick together so that we don't feel so out numbered.

4. I still have a great job in an industry that is struggling everyday to keep going.

5. Great friends that become more like family everyday. Without whom I don't know where I would be today. And the husbands of those friends (Ben) for showing me that everyone deserves to be happy and that if we really want to overcome our past we can find eternal happiness with the right person.

6. The gospel in my life, when the times are getting harder we have to turn to our faith and it up to us to use the resources that have been given to us by the leadership of our church.

7. My health, I have had to many friends this year have things that have really taken a toll on the health and well being of their bodies. As I pray for friends with cancer and with other problems, I cannot help but be thankful that what health problems I have had this year have been taken care of and thanks to great doctors I am healthy and happy.

So as the thanksgiving holiday approaches please take a few minutes and remember the things this year that have been great and count the many blessings in your lives, it has been a tough year for many and I can attest to that but it is still and good year when we all make it through and can be thankful for the trials that we have survived once again. Our father in heaven does not give us anything that he knows we cannot handle. Keep your heads up and your eyes focused the new year is coming and it is up to us to make it a better year in 2009.


Mom said...

Ahhhh! We love you!

Shayla said...

So sweet!So can we be expecting you at Thanksgiving!? Hope to have a fun visit next you're here now that we're finally getting all settled... the boys love their aunt Abbie!

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