Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter!!

As you all prepare to celebrate this holiday with your families and friends I hope that we can all remember why it is that we have this day and try to make sure and make that the center of our celebration instead of the eggs, and bunnies and all of the candy. You all know you love the CANDY, heck I know I do. So to do my part in sharing in the holiday and putting Christ in the forefront of my mind I want to share these videos. I posted them on my facebook page and so I am sure that some of you have seen it but I feel like I should share them here as well since not all of you are facebook junkies like myself... Don't judge, I really only have my work, my facebook and my blog and if you had read my previous post you would know this.

The links are both listed on the side of my blog under Video Links the I LoVe. Please take a few minutes and watch them.

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