Thursday, October 1, 2009

Change in the Weather

So, recently the weather here has taken a turn for the much much colder. Now don't get me wrong I don't have a problem with winter, I like snow and all the fun winter activities. But could someone please invent a way that we could have the winter without freezing our body parts off?

Seriously, I work outside and yesterday when we got our first snow fall of the season I thought for a second that my hands were just going to fall off. As the weather continues to change and I try to get ready to deal with working outside this year I will dream of the last few winters when I was lucky enough to be able to stand inside at the gate and watch the deicing occur outside.... While this year it will be me up there in the deice truck spraying that not so friendly stuff at the airplanes and wishing that the wind would stop blowing it back in my face and that I could just go inside and have some hot chocolate and call it a day.

I will try to face the winter head on, take it like a man and just deal with the temperature drop like it is nothing. I do ask in advance for your forgiveness though because I know that I will not be able to just sit back and keep my mouth shut about how much I do not like coming home from work dripping wet and covered in chemicals that should not be used for human consumption but somehow get inside of my mouth when the wind kicks up.

1 comment:

Mamma Meg said...

I think that this is what living in Boise does to you. It makes you realize that you can have a winter without it killing you.

This town, however, is nuts. Dang this place.

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